Weather Derivative Flow
1. Contract Creation:
The platform owner creates weather derivative contracts, specifying contract terms, premium amounts, conditions and % Returns after completion of the contract (e.g., based on weather data like temperature or rainfall).
2. Contract Listing:
Newly created contracts are listed on a platform for potential buyers to browse and purchase.
3. Contract Purchase:
Buyers can choose and purchase contracts listed by the platform. Each buyer pays the specified premium amount.
4. Vault Management:
The total funds collected from all buyers for a specific contract are stored in a secure vault.
5. Data Monitoring:
Our Platform continuously monitors relevant weather data or external data feeds to determine if the contract conditions have been met.
6. Payout Calculation:
When the conditions are met, the platform calculates the payout for each buyer based on the contract terms.
7. Payout from Vault:
Payouts are automatically distributed to the wallets of the buyers from the vault. The smart contract ensures a fair and secure distribution of funds.
8. Contract Completion:
Once the conditions are met and payouts are made, the contract is considered complete, and it may be closed or expired.
9. Platform Fees:
Platform charges will be collected from the users, when they pay the premium.
Last updated